attention star-empty star-fill bang mail phone filter check-tiny add-tiny add-tiny-hollow close-tiny organization board-certification grants misc subtract editor crop upload reorder hazard unlocked locked checkbox-control link-out arrow-left arrow-right menu add edit help clear check close trash chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up search award book certification chat patent dna education id pulse vcard file-bad file-good sort-down sort-up group deskphone description orgchart teaching

Directory API Documentation


This collection of JSON endpoints allows your applications and services to retrieve UF Health Directory data in a friendly, lightweight format.

There are 3 tiers/namespaces for endpoint access:

  • Public - Returns public data that is visible to anyone who visits the UF Health Directory.
  • Secured - Returns data that requires authentication to view, but omits FERPA protected data for students.
  • Restricted - Returns all secured data, including FERPA-protected data.


Public endpoints can be accessed freely, but endpoints in the secured and restricted tiers require an API key. You can request one by emailing Your API key will be unique to your application, and only the IP addresses you specify will be authorized to make requests.

Once you have your API key, include it in your requests using the key query string parameter (API keys are case-sensitive):



The Base URL for an API request depends on the tier of data you're requesting:

  • Public:
  • Secured:
  • Restricted:

Append each endpoint URL below to your chosen Base URL to build the full URL for your request.


profiles/all — Load all active profiles.

Supports the following query parameters:

profiles/search/<keyword> — List profiles that match your search term.

Supports the following query parameters:

profiles/ufid/<ufid> — Get a single profile by the individual's UFID.
profiles/emplid/<emplid> — Get a single profile by the individual's Shands EMPLID.
profiles/email/<email> — Get a single profile by email address.

These endpoints support the fields/includeFields/excludeFields parameters.


publications/ufid/<ufid> — List publications for a profile by the individual's UFID.
publications/email/<email> — List publications for a profile by the individual's email address.

These endpoints support the following query parameters:

  • pagesize: number of publications to return per page; default = 10
  • page: page number


departments/search/<keyword> — List departments that match your search term.

There are no query parameters available for this endpoint.

departments/<name>/profiles — List profiles whose primary department matches the named department.
departments/deptid/<deptid>/profiles — List profiles whose primary department matches the given UF DEPTID.

These endpoints support the following query parameters:

  • includeIndirect: include profiles in sub-departments of the named department.
  • pagesize: number of profiles to return per page; default = 10
  • page: page number
  • fields/includeFields/excludeFields

Custom groups

groups/search/<keyword> — Searches custom groups for matches to your search term.

There are no query parameters available for this endpoint.

groups/<groupId> — Load details for the given custom group.

There are no query parameters available for this endpoint.

groups/<groupId>/members — List direct members of the given custom group.

Supports the following query parameters:

  • limit: number of members to return per page; default = 25
  • page: page number

Profile Fields

Every API endpoint that returns profile data includes the ability to fine-tune the list of fields returned in your results, so you can get exactly the data you need and minimize payload size. You can do this one of two ways:

  1. Use the fields parameter to specify the exact list of fields you want returned.

    Use a comma-separated list of available field names to define exactly what you want. For example, if you want only UFIDs and display names:

    GET profiles/all?fields=ufid,display_name
  2. Use the includeFields and/or excludeFields parameters to return the default field list, plus or minus the fields you specify.

    The list of fields returned by default differs slightly depending on your request tier (public/secured/restricted), but in general, contains a pretty comprehensive set of data for general use. You can keep this behavior, but fine-tune it, using includeFields and excludeFields.

    For example, to include a list of parent departments (a list of the higher-level departments that contain the profile's primary department):

    GET profiles/all?includeFields=department_parents

    Or to exclude course information for faculty members:

    GET profiles/all?excludeFields=courses,course_codes

Available fields

The following is a list of all the available field names for a profile endpoint.

Important note about JSON fields: Several fields in this list are denoted with :[json] after the field name, because they contain JSON-encoded data. When using these fields in the fields or includeFields parameters, keep the :[json] endings to automatically decode them. Otherwise, they will return encoded JSON strings.

academic_positions:[json]        certifications:[json]            emplid                           honors:[json]                    presentations:[json]             show_on_ufhealth
addresses:[json]                 clinical_interests               epic_department_id               languages                        primary_department_group_id      show_on_ufhealth_jax
affiliation_codes                clinical_summary                 epic_mychart_scheduling          last_name                        primary_department_parent_ids    slug
affiliation_names                college_code                     epic_provider_id                 last_updated                     profile_id                       specialties
affiliations:[json]              colleges                         epic_telehealth_scheduling       legal_name                       profile_type                     subspecialties
appointment_phone                course_codes                     external_links:[json]            middle_name                      profile_type_name                suffix_family
appointment_phone_area           courses:[json]                   first_name                       npi                              promoted_specialties             suffix_professional
appointment_phone_ext            cv                               full_name                        orcid                            publication_journal_names        take_appointments
appointment_phone_number         cv_modified_date                 gatorlink                        patent_titles                    publication_keywords             take_appointments_jax
assistant:[json]                 department                       gender                           patents:[json]                   publication_mesh_terms:[json]    teaching_philosophy
biography                        department_deptid                granting_bodies                  patient_type                     publication_titles               title
business_cell_phone              department_parent_deptids        grants:[json]                    personal_cell_phone              publications:[json]              ufid
business_phone                   department_parents               hash                             philosophy_of_care               referral_fax                     
business_phone_area              disable_provider_profile         hero_photo                       phones:[json]                    regions                          
business_phone_ext               display_name                     hero_photo_ext                   photo                            research_interests               
business_phone_number            education:[json]                 hero_photo_sha1                  photo_ext                        research_summary                 
certification_titles             email                            honor_titles                     photo_sha1                       shands_account_gnv               

UF Health is a collaboration of the University of Florida Health Science Center, Shands hospitals and other health care entities. © 2024 University of Florida Health